How to add check mark in photoshop?
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This article will guide you to adding check mark in photoshop with example.
Table of contents
Add to horizontal Type Tool.
Use the font Wingdings.
Choose the font name.
Let’s start with the first step.
Step 1: Add to horizontal Type Tool.
To begin, let’s choose the Type Tool. This can be done by clicking on the icon depicted below located in the toolbar down the left side of the screen, or by hitting the T button on your keyboard.
Step 2: Use the font Wingdings.
This is to use Wingdings, a special font that gets automatically downloaded into Photoshop.
Select on horizontal type tool, click on the page, and press ‘a’ keyboard.
Step 3: Choose the font name.
Choose the font name as you like, here, I am using sylfean.
Finally, we have created a check mark.
Thanks for reading…